ผมไปเจอจากเว็บนอกมาคับ แต่ยังไม่ได้ลอง ที่ลองตอนนี้ คือโปรแกรม Softlocker มันจะทำให้เครื่องเราไม่อยุ่ใน ภาวะspleep mode ตอนนี้กำลังเทสอยุ่ว่ามันใช้ได้ผลป่าว



Extract build.prop from attached zip file to /sdcard

Step 1: rename orignal build.prop to build.prop.orig
Copy and paste to /system
Reboot twice

Step 2: Go to adb prompt (adb shell) and ensure you have # sign. Execute the below commands

mount -o remount rw /system/
mv /system/build.prop /system/build.prop.orig
cp /sdcard/build.prop /system/build.prop

Edit (Date: 23/09/2011):
The latest files are at below location

The location is as per folder structure. Replace them with your original files. These are deodexed files; hence if you have odexed version, remove the odes file for the same. Odex is applicable for /system/app and you can check for /system/framework.

Once done, reboot the device. Go to setting > account and uncheck auto sync and reboot. Again go to auto sync and check auto sync.This time reboot into recovery and wipe cache. Reboot the device.
You will get TWLauncher4

Take backup of files so that of this doesnt work, you should be able to revert back. I have given these files to few testers but only recevied one feedback (not working). I have tested this and it works fine even when phone is in deep sleep (30 minutes and more)



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