[ ROM release ] 4-7 Huawei Mate_ Mobile / Unicom version of MIUI V5_B331_4.4.2 theme with heart, memory tuning mechanism, power

download : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnCnMb1

4-7 Huawei Mate _ Mobile / Unicom version of MIUI V5_B331_4.4.2 theme with heart, memory tuning mechanism, power

Updated features:
Based on Huawei B331 underlying graft official MIUI V5, all the functions of normal use;
CPU support advanced adjustment, adjust the temperature low heat stability;
Daily use without problems, BUG has as amended;
ROOT completely get super powers, the latest supersu;
Support the theme with heart; IOS can choose the status bar style;
Choose a variety of settings program, MIUI6 theme style;
Support Sony imaging optimization, image display strengthened;
Referring to section ROM add cust partition, ensure the normal operation;
Add the latest calls attribution database;
For desktop publishing, boot without manual adjustment;
Developer support GPU rendering options;
Most streamline unnecessary LIB library files and APK file;
ODEX comprehensive optimization, reducing data partitioning, system memory on occupancy;
Fixed some memory for APK is too large, the removal of material to reduce the memory footprint NA;
Retain its own input method, not like other post-uninstall can be installed;
All procedures Zipalign optimization and weight loss, reduce system partition occupies;
The default time “using the 24-hour format”;
USB adjustment mode is enabled by default;


4.4 System ” Developer Options ” to hide, you must enter the [System Settings] in [on the phone] in the batter [version number] seven times, so as to be displayed.
Warning: Brush risk, peril , be careful brush, a brush into the show has been accepted by this warning!
