Other measures, which you can use to harden your immune system are sauna, contrast showers and Kneipp baths. The temperature change is crucial between hot and cold. Important: Always the heat stimulus start and stop again. So, the body learns to adapt better to heat and cold. As a result, immune cells are faster in the mucous membranes and can used to combat body compression garments for weight loss (http://fb.me/2aW63gwY4) pathogens. Movement and Sport also strengthen the defences by they stimulate the metabolism and blood circulation. As a result, the blood flows better and the immune cells contained therein are faster to the agents.
The nose runs, in the neck it scratches and all the time you must cough: almost everyone suffers at least a cold per year. It is indeed annoying, but is rarely dangerous. A flu is different.
The symptoms are similar, but a cold and the flu are two different diseases. When a cold or a grippalem effect, viruses cause an infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat). Runny nose, sore throat, cough, but also slight fever and headaches and body aches are the result. The course of the disease is insidious and often mild. This is a flu, influenza also called, quite different: it begins suddenly – with strong body aches and high fever. In elderly 1200 calorie meal plan for weight loss (http://fb.me/2vS1Inw9h) and debilitated, a flu can be even fatal. Therefore you shouldn’t necessarily flu suspected to the doctor.
Why is it sick?
Whether at school, in the Office or in the bus: in public places, viruses have an easy game. Because they are through droplets in the air, such as when Erkältete cough or sneeze, but also through contact with shared items such as handles, phones or door handles, transfer. In doing so, they can survive several hours on objects and hands and go over the mucous membranes of the nose and throat into the Interior of the body. The immune system is not strong enough to fight off the virus, they cause an infection.
More than 200 different viruses can cause a cold, Corona -, adeno – or rhinoviruses. However, a flu is caused by influenza viruses. But against these viruses can be vaccinated. The only Downer: The vaccination must be repeated annually.
Cold by freezing?
Why are most people sick in the winter? In fact, colds have nothing to do with cold, because the disease is caused by viruses. Nevertheless, the temperature is not matter: the cold weakens the body and makes him so susceptible to pathogens. Still dry heating body compression garments for weight loss (https://adapt.nd.edu/members/2359/blog/2015/05/november-1200-calorie-meal-plan-for-weight-loss) air is added, begins a vicious cycle: cold air and moisture interfere with the circulation of the nasal Mucosa, overheated rooms, drying and thus reduce the cleaning function of the Cilia. The perfect working surface for viruses!
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